Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Breaking News...

The U.S. House Of Representatives actually did something! They finally shut up and did their basic job. To vote. To vote on something. Anything. Congratulations Merika, this is a watershed moment in these last crappy 5 years. All we hear is blah blah blah, and the only thing we need is?
some damned action. You are all now free to go have sex with yourselves...

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking republicans aren't gonna be very popular in the states hit by Hurricane Sandy...
    I'm also wondering how fuzzy farmers are feeling with their republican party as well...

    They don't do dick. Their motto should be "we here at the republican party ain't gonna do shit but have wars, but oh, hey thanks for voting for us- idiots" Merika! HELL YEAH!
