March 14th, 2013
Officials with the US Department Of Stuff are now confirming that their super secret freedom weapon
known as "Pete" is now ready for offensive deployment against glorious super-hero North Korean forces.
Negotiations ended after North Korea's strong-boy dictator, Kim Jung Oon, called Cutris a puss to his face and also claimed he had already been in 17½ wars and wasn't afraid of any Americans and had the medals to prove it.
The Butt officially commented that though he regrets he has to resort to such extreme measures as releasing
Pete, he is ready to do it.
"The Pete has been a controversial weapon and is hard to contain once released." according to the Butt, "He's kind of like a spinning top once deployed, all you can do is get the hell out of the way and let him do his job. The real danger is that he has this kung-fu grip thing, which in preliminary testing choked 3 technicians and a small duck, all who later recovered, barely."
Dennis "Denise" Rodman-Un was later spotted in a Pyongyang Starbucks wearing Oon's war medals on his wedding dress.
Super Weapon Pete ready to kick commie asses
Denise Rodman-Un
We have to release Pete. No other alternative.