Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cease Fire!

America has a cultural disease, this love affair with guns. It's cause lies within the 2nd Amendment of The Constitution Of The United States Of America. An amendment poisoned and perverted by each and every one of us. I will speak from the perspective of a boy, then a man, and then a man who has evolved and believes he has ascended into a more wise outlook on this life. 

As a boy, I was a cub scout, I was on little league, I looked to and, yes, up to my father for guidance and help on just about everything. Dad was a deer hunter, Dad had many guns, Dad kept his guns unloaded and locked in a safe, most of the time. But as responsible as he was, I found his S&W 270 under the couch in the case unlocked. It was loaded. The 270 is a bolt action single shot rifle designed for hunting large game such as deer. At this time I was like 11 or 12. I had my own Winchester 22 mag. I knew what it could do. It was neat. But it was just there, it was mine. But I had a lot of other things that, to me, were just plain cooler. But it was cool. I took the bullet. I kept it. He never noticed and I never told him. Even to this day. 

My father and mother used to have brutal fights during this time. Things got thrown, much swearing, many tears. I always wondered, why that bullet was chambered. Why?

I shot at pheasants and birds with my 22, almost always missed, but I did unleash these bullets with intent to harm. Most of my time was spent on my mini-bike which was way cooler in my estimation. I was also into model trains and playing guitar and many other useful interests.

Then after high school, I joined the Marine Corps. My father was all for this, he too was a Marine.
When you are first handed your rifle in the Marines, you are told over and over again. This is the M-16, it is a machine of death, if you load it and pull the trigger, it will maim and kill. This is its purpose, it has no other. You are taught over and over through repetition almost to ad nauseum, how it works, how to clean it, how to aim with it, how to breath, but most of all how to define, and respect it. It's no ________ing toy, it is death. 

You sleep with it, you clean it over and over, you show it has an empty chamber all the time, usually hourly. You march with it. You learn it's balance, you learn, learn, learn, it's place is in war.

This may seem shocking to hear from a Marine. You don't need this device of death, you have no business owning anything like it (AR-15 Bushmaster). All I hear is semantics about its definition. I know what this thing is, I have lived, breathed and slept with it. It is an anti-personnel assault weapon designed to kill men in war. Anything else anyone tells you about it, is just bullshit and lies. Rationalization.

You need an AR-15 like you need colon cancer. 

And I don't trust you and whatever your mental state is, with it in this society. It has no place in civilian society. If you have one and some ammo, you could crack at any second. Why should I believe you when you say you are responsible and sane? The very fact that you want one of these, hell, you want 5 or 10 of em because you are a collector, makes me question your mental state. This is what I am doing to try to change, to try to rid myself of you and your Second Amendment Disease. It starts with me.

This is about me and my view about you. I will not just nod along anymore when you are spending your paycheck on getting more of these precious things of death and then bragging to me about it and how much more a man you are for it. You are now anathema and I will not know, nor care about you any further. I will leave you to your devices of death and not partake in your sick John Wayne romance with the gun anymore. Merika...

I don't expect you to care or give a shit about what I think, I expect you may call me all kinds of names, I do expect you to understand this, I am just as much of a man without you and your precious Bushmaster. 

The problem isn't just the Adam Lanza's of this world. The problem is the cultural acceptance and worship of the gun. It starts here, with me. And this is where I am at. What about you? 

Cease fire Cease fire...unload clear and lock America. Enough!

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