Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dear Mr. Boehner,

I understand the tactic of your plan "B" vote on the house floor tomorrow. I have some news for you that you apparently still do not understand, your party had it's ass handed to it in the last election. Your tactic will not work. Right in the middle of the intersection you stop, in the midst of negotiation, and now there is a great big truck that is going to hit you. That trucks got a big ole picture of the prez on it...

What's it going to take to get you to understand that the people of America are tired of you and your party playing chicken with the fate of this country? You are going the way of the whigs sir...just how do you think the average person perceives your unchangable defense of the rich? We certainly do not admire it, should be obvious by now. Apparently not.

I am not going to ask again, hell I ain't even going to tell you, because you obviously just don't give a rats ass about the middle class, or the poor. Am I wrong? we're gonna find out more about your inability to learn about the reality that's staring you in the face.

 Quick, someone find me a republican that gets it! PLEASE!

The Butt

1 comment:

  1. blinked! Thats right, leave Washington now, and merry ch... whatever forget it.
