Thursday, February 21, 2013

Drip, drip, drip

So the city replaced my internal water meter because they said the other one was too old. This is fine, they showed up when they said they would. They replaced it in 15 minutes and didn't leave a huge mess and off they went to do the next one.
Problem is, and oh there is always a problem when you mess with pipes, there is now a drip-drip leak on the house shutoff valve after the meter. So now I am faced with- do I attempt to fix it? or just leave a bucket under it and hope the leak gels up, it has gelled up in the past, but the valve is obviously compromised and very corroded. If it goes, the water supply could still be shut off before the meter, but if no one is home? Yeah, plumbing is super fun stuff.

I have decided that I am going to tackle this though I always seem to, with few exceptions, do something that makes the problem worse. Hence my fear, or pussness, if you like.

Wish I was better at copper. I am pretty damned good with PVC and black pipe, but copper soldering, not so much. I will plan and not cut until I have planned and re-planned this out.

I have succesfully done copper before so maybe I should just shut up and git'r'done?


  1. The guy at Ace hardware could see the stress on my face and he gave me the "may the copper god of plumbing projects smile and shine his torch upon you my son" benediction.

    I like it when they treat the customers like they actually give a shit...

  2. PS, plumbing has gotten REALLY expensive, every part costs $12.00, and every part is made in China, where is the $9.50 profit going?

  3. The drip has now stopped, it has gelled up, mission accomplished
