Monday, February 25, 2013

For better or worse, hoping for better

The next 12-48 hours are going to be a transitional phase for me. I'd explain it all but it would probably
bore you to death. Much like a chess game, I hope to minimize the moves and make the correct moves
with sound judgement.


  1. Ha ha! You're boring me to death now.

  2. Now i can'r sleep cuz fartknockers keep waking me up about working even more extra on top of
    all the other extra I already do. Then another fartknocker just woke me up to tell me that they are going to extend me an offer but it won't be until tomorrow because they have to finalize it.
    I bet its gonna be all about money. Well she's not really a fartknocker for working on getting me a better job.
    I'm either gonna end up working alot more at my current job, or I am gonna be working somewhere else, or I am not gonna be working at all.
    Hopefuly tomorrow some fartknocker will wake me up about something really good. It'll probably be Pete calling about jamming LOL

  3. coom bah ya m'shirt, coom bah yaaaaaaaaaa

  4. Hahahaha it worked...

    From the Vice President:

    Dave you can excpect an offer tomorrow from our HR department.

    My days as a security guard appear to be over...
